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(A poem written on acceptance to Harvard over ten years ago, Spring 2014)

Crescent moon curtseys

to the applause of the sun,

and the dream that stood watch

over the night sky of my pain

at the coming of what it foretold.


I am ready now for such rhythms,

hibernation of my autumn visions,

because May blushes too.

Because things approach life

insofar as they once approached death.


I am ready one day to look heavenward,

A pinch of stardust evolved to ponder stars,

the two small orbs by which I view them

trillionfold larger than the singularity

of the first math-shattering yes.


I am ready for the mysterium tremendum, giving

the allegiance of my reason to what is beyond reason,

the taproot of my being to gracious catastrophes

wherein a heart's sequoia seeds

resurrect in flames.

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