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Do they not perceive that there are documents, such as the books of the New Testament, which compel men to speak at whatever cost, because they find in them that which urgently and finally concerns the very marrow of human civilization? 


~ Karl Barth

Story Through Stained Glass: A Suffering Servant to Come

29 December 2024  |  Isaiah 52.13–53.12  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Ancient Script of Christmas: A New David Brings New Creation

15 December 2024  |  Isaiah 11.1–10  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


"God With Us" – Comforting or Terrifying?

8 December 2024  |  Isaiah 7–8  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Backstage Pass With History's Greatest Missionary

1 December 2024  |  Romans 15:22–16:27  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Handling Gray Areas With Grace

17 November 2024  |  Romans 14:1–19  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Quiet Radical Who Changed My Life

27 October 2024  |  Romans 12:3–21  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Maturity Through Mystery

20 October 2024  |  Romans 11:25–36  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Clay and the Stone

22 September 2024  |  Romans 9:19–33  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Is God Really Trustworthy?

15 September 2024  |  Romans 9:1–18  |  The Bay Church, Concord​​

On Baptism: Joining the Exodus Story

11 August 2024  |  Romans 6:1–14  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


The One and the Many

4 August 2024  |  Romans 5:12–21  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Hope That Makes Us Whole

28 July 2024  |  Romans 5:1–11  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A Theological Paternity Test

21 July 2024  |  Romans 4  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Don't Be Evil

7 July 2024  |  Romans 3:1–20  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Tattooing Torah On Our Hearts

30 June 2024  |  Romans 2:12–29  |  The Bay Church, Concord


How Sin Uncreates the World

16 June 2024  |  Romans 1:18–32  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Introducing Romans: Letter to the Empire

9 June 2024  |  Romans 1:1–17  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


The A-to-Z Woman of Proverbs 31

12 May 2024  |  Proverbs 31:10–31  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Mental Health: Caring for the Gift of Our Minds

7 April 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A Man Hung on a Tree Is Cursed (Good Friday)

29 March 2024  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


The Royal Road of Humility (Palm Sunday)

24 March 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Grit and God: On Work Ethic

17 March 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Bomb Squad: How Not To Explode Your Life With Words

3 March 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Concord


AI, VR, and the Quest for Reality

25 February 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Introducing Proverbs: The Education of Desire

11 February 2024  |  Book of Proverbs  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A World Dying For A Way of Life

28 January 2024  |  1 John 5:1–8  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


No Justice Without Truth and Love

14 January 2024  |  1 John 4:1–12  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Is My Bucket List Biblical?

31 December 2023  |  Luke 2, Simeon's Story  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


When God Puts You In Timeout

17 December 2023  |  Luke 1, Zechariah's Story  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A World Dying For Clarity

26 November 2023  |  1 John 2:18–29  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Can I Have Friendship With God?

5 November 2023  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Is the Bible Trustworthy?

22 October 2023  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Does Christianity Crush Diversity?

15 October 2023  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Is There A God?

1 October 2023  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Everyone You Serve Is Named Jesus

17 September 2023  |  Matthew 25:31–46  |  The Bay Church, Concord


3 September 2023  |  Exodus 2  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


27 August 2023  |  Genesis 1–2 vis-à-vis Revelation 21–22; Matthew 28:16–20  |  The Bay Church, Concord


13 August 2023  |  Mark 4:35-41  |  The Bay Church, Concord


30 July 2023  |  Matthew 19:16-30  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


23 July 2023  |  Matthew 13:10-17  |  The Bay Church, Concord


25 June 2023  |  Luke 2:40–52  |  The Bay Church, Concord


11 June 2023  |  Jonah 3:1-10  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Jonah: Cancelling Grace

21 May 2023  |  Book of Jonah  |  The Bay Church, Concord


30 April 2023  |  Exodus 20:12  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


2 April 2023  |  Luke 23  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Stay Awake

19 March 2023  |  Luke 21:5–38  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The (un)Triumphal Entry

19 February 2023  |  Luke 19  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Health First

5 February 2023  |  Topical  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Vocation First

29 January 2023  |  Exodus 35:30–36:1; Ephesians 2:10; Romans 12:2, 8:18–25  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Jesus First

8 January 2023  |  Meaning of Messiah  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Frankincense: The Aroma of God

11 December 2022  |  Matthew 2:1-16  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Worship: We Become What We Love

20 November 2022  |  John 4:19–24  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Real Me

6 November 2022  |  Colossians 3:1–11 |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Don’t Fall For It

16 October 2022  |  Colossians 2:16–23  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Purpose of Pressure: Maturity

2 October 2022  |  Colossians 1:24–2:5  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A Poem of Heavy Duty Theology

25 September 2022  |  Colossians 1:15–23  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Theology of Compassion

11 September 2022  |  John 19:28–30; Luke 14:12–14  |  The Bay Church, Concord


With You: How the Gospel Reshapes Community and Compassion

7 August 2022  |  Matthew 3:14–17  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Genesis and Jesus: The Story That Leads to Him

31 July 2022  |  Genesis 50:15–21  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Joseph’s Big Reveal

24 July 2022  |  Genesis 45:1–11  |  The Bay Church, Concord


True Royalty - Judah Offers His Life

3 July 2022  |  The Bay Church, Concord


In God We Trust

3 July 2022  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A Tale of Two Seductions

12 June 2022  |  Genesis 38–39  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Introducing Joseph: Triangles of Love and Hate

5 June 2022  |  Genesis 37:1–36  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Consumed By God

15 May 2022  |  “Fire” in the Bible, and sin as “Aiming”  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Building God’s Home

24 April 2022  |  Topical  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Poetic Injustice

3 April 2022  |  Genesis 29:31–30:43  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Boundary Encounters with God

20 March 2022  |  Genesis 28, 32  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Deceptive Meal, Part I: A Devoured Identity

6 March 2022  |  Genesis 25:27–34  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Wooing at the Well

20 February 2022  |  Genesis 24:1–67  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Sarah Betrayed – "She’s My Sister"

30 January 2022  |  Genesis 12, 20, 26  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Count the Stars, If You Can!

2 January 2022  |  Genesis 15:1–20  |  The Bay Church, Concord


A Lot Is On the Line

26 December 2021  |  Genesis 13–14  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Noah: The Reboot of Adam’s Mission

28 November 2021  |  Genesis 6–9  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


The Genius of Genealogies

21 November 2021  |  Genesis 4, 5, 10, 11  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Sin Enters: Seduction, Shame, Shifted-Blame

31 October 2021  |  Genesis 3:1–13  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Matchmaker God

24 October 2021  |  Genesis 2:18–25  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Eden: Our Original Home

17 October 2021  |  Genesis 2:4–20  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood


Our Temple-Shaped World

3 October 2021  |  Genesis 1:2–2:3  |  The Bay Church, Concord


God’s Beloved Blue Dot

26 September 2021  |  Genesis 1:1  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Psalm 89: Broken Promises

5 September 2021  |  Psalm 89  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Beauty of Unity

1 August 2021  |  Psalm 133  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Psalm 1: Meditation

4 July 2021  |  Psalm 1  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Rugged Path Home

6 June 2021  |  Matthew 7:13–23  |  The Bay Church, Brentwood



16 May 2021  |  Matthew 7:1–6  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Treasure: Part II

18 April 2021  |  Matthew 6:19–24  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Daily Bread

28 February 2021  |  Matthew 6:11 + Exodus 16  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Prayer: The Language of the Kingdom

24 January 2021  |  Matthew 6:5–13  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Love Your Enemies

3 January 2021  |  Matthew 5:43–48  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Christ and the Torah

1 November 2020  |  Matthew 5:17–20  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Sermon on the Mount: Base Camp

11 October 2020  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Quest (≠ Adventure) of the Kingdom

6 September 2020  |  Acts 27-28  |  The Bay Church, Concord


True Philosophy: The Wisdom of Love

2 August 2020  |  Acts 17:16–34  |  The Bay Church, Concord


Acts Intro - “A World-Shaped Story”

27 June 2020  |  Acts 13 |  The Bay Church, Concord


Home: The School of Character

21 June 2020  |  Hebrews 12:5–11  |  The Bay Church, Concord


10 Commandments: Framed By Fire

29 December 2019  |  Exodus 19  |  The Bay Church, Concord


The Prince Leaves the Palace

December 2018  |  Philippians 2  |  The Bay Church, Concord


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